Affiliation: University of California San Diego, CA, USA
Name: Prof. Renato Mancuso
Affiliation: Boston University, MA, USA
Name: Michael Pöhnl
Affiliation: Apex.AI, CA, USA
Name: Prof. Anthony Rowe
Affiliation: Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Name: Matt Spencer
Affiliation: ARM, UK
Dr. Arne Hamann
Bosch Corporate Research, Germany
"Dr. Arne Hamann (Bosch) obtained his PhD in Computer Science in 2008 from the Technical University of Braunschweig Germany. He is Chief Expert for "Distributed Intelligent Systems" at Bosch Corporate Research. Like the Bosch product portfolios his range of actives is very broads encompassing complex embedded systems where the interaction between physical processes hardware and software plays a major role through to distributed IoT systems with elements of (edge) cloud computing. In the academic contexts he is member of the editorial board of the ACM journal “Transactions on Cyber Physical Systems” and regularly serves as program committee member for international conferences such as ECRTS, RTSS, RTAS, DAC, EMSOFT, and ICCPS."
Prof. Ryan Kastner
University of California San Diego, CA, USA
Ryan Kastner is currently a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, San Diego. He received a PhD in Computer Science at UCLA, a masters degree (MS) in engineering and bachelor degrees (BS) in both Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, all from Northwestern University. He leads the Kastner Research Group whose current research interests fall into three areas: hardware acceleration, hardware security, and remote sensing. He is the co-director of the Wireless Embedded Systems Master of Advanced Studies Program. He also co-directs the Engineers for Exploration Program.
Assistant professor in the department of Computer Science at Boston University (BU). He received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in 2017. His research focuses on real-time and embedded systems and especially in partially-reconfigurable platforms and OS-level multi-core resource management technologies for high-performance, safety-critical systems. He is also interested in applications and methodologies to design, deploy and analyze Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), and in real-time cloud computing.
Michael Pöhnl
Apex.AI, CA, USA
Prof. Anthony Rowe
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
"Prof. Anthony Rowe is the Siewiorek and Walker Family Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Carnegie Mellon University. His research interests are in networked real-time embedded systems with a focus on wireless communication. He has worked on topics including large-scale sensing for critical infrastructure monitoring, indoor localization, building energy-efficiency and technologies for microgrids. His most recent work has looked at connecting embedded sensing systems with mixed reality and spatial computing platforms. He is currently the director of the SRC/DARPA sponsored CONIX Research Center which spans seven Universities with the goal of exploring future distributed computing architectures. His past work has led to dozens of hardware and software systems, seven best paper awards, talks at venues like the World Economic Forum in Davos and several widely adopted open-source research platforms. He earned a Ph.D in Electrical and Computer Engineering from CMU in 2010, received the Lutron Joel and Ruth Spira Excellence in Teaching Award in 2013, the CMU CIT Early Career Fellowship and the Steven Fenves Award for Systems Research in 2015 and the Dr. William D. and Nancy W. Strecker Early Career chair in 2016."
Matt Spencer
"Dedicated engineer with a passion for research and technology. He has been working in the research departments of leading technical companies for the past 12+ years with responsibilities ranging from architectural design and idea generation, through business modeling and presenting ideas at board level both internally and externally. He has had a very technical career, working across all aspects of the development workflow from board design and bringup, kernel development, application stack design and implementation and final product integration. His career has also exposed him to the non-technical aspects of the industry including pitching ideas, leading teams and budgeting for project completion. "